Private COVID Testing


We offer COVID-19 Polymerise Chain Reaction (PCR) testing for specific indications only. Please read the information below - with special attention to the sections regarding Negative and Positive Tests.

What is a PCR test for COVID-19?

One type of test looks for the presence of genetic material from the COVID-19 virus within a swab or saliva sample. These tests are commonly referred to as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests.

Who can get tested at TCH?

Tayside Complete Health is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and as such we are governed by their guidance regarding COVID-19 testing.

We currently offer COVID-19 PCR testing in the following circumstances only:

1.    If required for essential travel (eg Airline Requirements)

2.    If required to permit medical treatment (eg prior to surgery etc)

 We do not offer testing for any other reasons nor will we carry out a test if you have any coronavirus symptoms. 

In Scotland anyone with coronavirus symptoms MUST use NHS Test and Protect facilities to ensure that all the required public health action is taken in the event of a positive result. In particular the tracing of contacts. ( test-and-protect/) 

Please note that Public Health Scotland have advised the Offshore Industry through their medical advisors that testing of offshore workers is not required prior to them being deployed offshore.

Public Health Scotland have also advised the Offshore Industry that they should not deploy workers from high or moderate risk countries. 

The Virus Testing Process

1.    A sample is taken which usually involves taking a swab of the inside of your nose and the back of your throat, using a long cotton bud

2.    The sample is sent to a laboratory to check if coronavirus is present

3.    You will be informed in writing of the outcome of the test

Prior to testing you must read the information below and then sign to confirm you have read and consented to the information.

If you are testing prior to travel

We use an external lab sending the tests by same day courier or tracked next day postage depending on the timing of your test – as such the result should be available NEXT DAY at the latest. (ie Test on Monday Results on Tuesday).

TCH will provide proof of postage on demand but will not be liable for claims arising from delayed travel due to loss of test/postage delay.

Important notes regarding a POSITIVE TEST.

A positive test result in a person without any coronavirus symptoms should be taken as indicating COVID- 19 infection, and the person should immediately enter 10 days self-isolation, and their household members 14 days household isolation, in line with Government advice. 

A patient with a positive test result must be immediately contact NHS Test and Protect and have another test via the national testing programme. 

COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) is a legally notifiable disease under emergency legislation and as such Tayside Complete Health will inform Public Health if your test is positive. We will share the following information: name, address, sex, date of birth and NHS identifier (if known). 

Important notes regarding a NEGATIVE TEST.

A negative test result in a person without any coronavirus symptoms does not rule out the possibility of infection, that they are incubating the infection or the possibility that they have been exposed to the infection after the test was taken. 

Therefore, individuals should continue to follow FACTS’ guidance: 

Face coverings in enclosed spaces

Avoid crowded places

Clean your hands and surfaces regularly

Two-metre social distancing 

Self-isolate and book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms). 

How much is the test?

Prices from £150.


To discuss this our any other service please call 01382 549088 or contact us.