Intravenous Iron Infusions

We are happy to offer intravenous iron infusions from our clinic in Dundee.

For other infusions please contact our booking team who can provide a tailored quotation.

For further details please contact the booking team on 01382 549088 Ext 1

Why might you need an Iron Infusion?

There are a number of causes of Iron Deficiency. In most cases this deficiency is managed with oral iron medications. Like all medicines some people struggle with side effects of the oral medication and in these cases an iron infusion maybe suitable.

Should you investigate Iron Deficiency Anaemia?

There are many causes of iron deficiency ranging from dietary causes to blood loss from the bowel; it is important that the cause of your iron deficiency is investigated. If this hasn't already been done we have access to specialists who can investigate the cause of your iron deficiency.

Can anyone obtain an Iron Infusion from Tayside Complete Health?

You require either a referral from a healthcare provider (eg your GP) or you would need to see a clinician at TCH prior to being accepted for an infusion. You will also need up to date blood tests to help determine the dose.

Is the dose the same for everyone?

No the dose of iron is calculated based on your blood tests and your weight.

How is the iron delivered?

Depending on the dose you need the iron will be delivered over one or two visits to the clinic. Each visit will take around 1-2 hours. We then suggest a repeat blood test in 6 months. You may require further infusions in time depending on the cause of your iron deficiency.

To obtain a quote for an infusion or to discuss any of our other services please call 01382 549088 or contact us.