Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy aims to help you live your best life, to be able to do the things that you need or want to do; enabling you to overcome challenges in completing everyday tasks or activities which have been interrupted for one reason or another.
Occupational Therapy uses a holistic approach to assessment and treatment, considering cognitive, physical, environmental & social factors, all of which can impact a person’s quality of life.
Our OT assessments include:
People with memory changes, dementia, mental illness or changes due to aging.
Cognitive and functional assessments to help inform a Dementia diagnosis or to understand changes to memory which may impact on daily function. (Functional changes can sometimes be difficult to assess in clinic and may need a more specific home assessment of function)
Holistic assessment of needs ensuring that physical, social, psychological and environmental factors of a person’s life are considered.
What you can expect from OT:
Cognitive rehabilitation for people with Dementia
Community living skills and support to access the community including graded exposure following, for example, anxiety, decreased confidence and reduced mobility
Re-establishing fulfilling and meaningful routines
Reengagement in activities (Leisure, self-care or domestic)
Goal setting
Rehabilitation, compensatory techniques and strategies to optimise functional tasks which have been interrupted
Confidence building in activities
Energy conservation, fatigue management, pacing activities.
Support and guidance of a person’s daily needs to optimise both independence and safety. This can include guidance on what care is required and how this should be delivered.
Advice and education on approaches for carer’s
Advice, education, support and signposting following a dementia diagnosis
Planning for the future.
Meet our Occupational Therapist
To discuss this or any other service please call 01382 549088 or contact us.